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Foot Balance & Farriery

Foot balance and good farriery play such an important part in your horse’s soundness, and we are working closely with farriers to ensure a joined-up approach between all parties; farriers, clients, and vets.

To help you and your horses in this time of financial crisis we have significantly reduced the price of our foot balance X-rays. Our vets see such a huge benefit in using X-rays to help the farriers in their work and we want this to be accessible and affordable to our clients. This price drop is for the foreseeable future and not just a special offer.

New price foot balance X- rays:

  • Xray – Foot balance 4 plates: Now £120 (old price £193.64)
  • Xray – Foot balance 8 plates: Now £150 (old price £252.39)

Farrier referral:

If your farrier provides a farrier referral by phone or email, then one of our Registered Veterinary Nurses can attend your yard to take the x-rays. This will reduce the visit charge and give you further savings. One of our vets will then assess the images back at the hospital and report them to you and your farrier. Nurse visit: £34.12.


For self-referrals, one of our vets will attend the visit to assess foot conformation,  soundness, and the feet pre radiographs. We have created a reduced consultation fee of £50 for this service.

Our payment terms are payment at the time of appointment. Visit fees apply for vet visits.